Online Security Tips to Keep Cybercriminals at Bay

As with closing your front door, boosting your online security is the best way to protect your personal information as well as your money from cybercriminals. We’ve compiled an extensive guide to internet safety, full of cybersecurity tips and best practices.

Secure all your devices with strong passwords (computers smartwatches, tablets and phones) and enable two-factor authentication where available. This will safeguard your accounts and block hackers from accessing your sensitive data even if you know your password. Install updates promptly on all of your devices, particularly when they include security updates. You can set your software to update on a regular basis to ensure that you don’t miss a security update.

Beware of using public wifi networks to browse or shop online, since these are usually less secure and leave you vulnerable to hacks and data breaches. Instead, opt for private wifi or a VPN service to ensure your connection is secured. Do not share login details or personal information on social media, and be cautious about sharing that information through emails or other messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram. When downloading files from sites that you do not know, look for the padlock or „https“. This will confirm that the site is secured.

Lock or log out your computer if you need to leave for a few moments particularly if it’s a shared computer that is located in a public space or office. It’s important to back up your data to ensure that you can access it in the event of a device being lost or suffers an attack by malware.

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